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Soft skills and its importance: Pleasure and pains of transition from an academic environment to work – environment. Need for change. Fears, stress and competition in the professional world. Importance of positive attitude, self motivation and continuous knowledge upgradation.

Self-confidence: Characteristics of the person perceived, characteristics of the situation, characteristics of the perceiver. Attitude, values, motivation, emotion management, steps to like yourself, positive mental attitude, assertiveness.

Presentations: Preparations, outlining, hints for efficient practice, last minute tasks, means of effective presentation, language, gestures, posture, facial expressions, professional attire.

Vocabulary building: A brief introduction into the methods and practices of learning vocabulary. Learning how to face questions on antonyms, synonyms, spelling error, analogy, etc. Faulty comparison, wrong form of words and confused words like understanding the nuances of spelling changes and wrong use of words. Listening skills: The importance of listening in communication and how to listen actively.

Prepositions, articles and punctuation: A experiential method of learning the uses of articles and prepositions in sentences is provided.

Problem solving level I: Number system; LCM &HCF; Divisibility test; Surds and indices; Logarithms; Ratio, proportions and variations; Partnership;

Problem solving level II: Time speed and distance; work time problems;

Data interpretation: Numerical data tables; Line graphs; Bar charts and Pie charts; Caselet forms; Mix diagrams; Geometrical diagrams and other forms of data representation.

Logical reasoning: Family tree; Deductions; Logical connectives; Binary logic; Linear arrangements; Circular and complex arrangement; Conditionalities and grouping; Sequencing and scheduling; Selections; Networks; Codes; Cubes; Venn diagram in logical reasoning; Quant based reasoning; Flaw detection; Puzzles; Cryptogrithms.

Text Books

  1. A Communicative Grammar of English: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. Longman, London.
  2. Adair. J., (1986), “Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team”, London, U.K: Pan Books.
  3. Gulati. S., (2006) “Corporate Soft Skills”, New Delhi, India: Rupa & Co.
  4. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazone Publication.
  5. Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Aggarwal,S. Chand
  6. Quantitative Aptitude – Abijith Guha, TMH.
  7. Quantitative Aptitude for Cat – Arun Sharma. TMH.


  • Books on GRE by publishers like R. S. Aggrawal, Barrons, Kaplan, The Big Book, and Nova.
  • More Games Teams Play, by Leslie Bendaly, McGraw Hill Ryerson.
  • The BBC and British Council online resources
  • Owl Purdue University online teaching resources

Online Teaching Resources – The Grammar Book

Online Teaching Resources – The English Page and other useful websites.

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