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Mahabharata Upanayanam Introduction

Mahabharata is the greatest chronicle ever narrated, and most people would have heard something or other about this grand itihasa. Through movies, tele-series, novels, short stories, poems, dramas, folk tales, traditions and a thousand other ways, opinions are made and people assume that they know for sure what’s actually inside this book. But are all these hearsays, facts from the real textual Mahabharata? Like a jumbled Rubik’s cube in their hand that they are unable to solve, are people left with a mixed up version of Mahabharata? Do they know how and where to look for the answers? Join Mahabharata Upanayanam Certificate Course to have a deep dive in the past.

Mahabharata Online Course Duration

30 Hours in 8 Weeks, 5 Hours / Week

Mahabharata Online Course Program Fee

INR 6000 (including GST) / $100 for the entire program

Mahabharata Online Certification Eligibility

Higher Secondary / +2 in any stream, Working knowledge in English

    Application Deadlines

    Final deadline: Updated soon

    About Mahabharata Mythology course

    Composed by Mahaṛṣi Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana Vyāsa, Mahābhārata is the chronicle of the Kuru dynasty of India. Due to its historical nature, it is classified as an itihāsa.

    At the same time, it is considered the fifth Veda owing to its profound philosophical and spiritual lessons, which help us navigate this world happily.

    Through movies, tele-series, novels, short stories, poems, dramas, folk tales, traditions and a thousand other ways, opinions are made and we assume that we know for sure what’s actually inside this book. But are all these hearsay, facts from the real textual Mahābhārata? Are we left with a mixed-up version of Mahābhārata? Do we know how and where to look for the answers? At Amrita AHEAD we have started a Mahabharata History Program so you can learn more about Indian culture

    Mahabharata Upanayanam Certificate Course will help solve this conundrum. This Program is an introduction to the multidimensionality of this itihāsa, with its textual traditions, complex characters, profound stories, insightful conversations, etc. Each module in this program is intended to grant a deeper vision and understanding of the Mahābhārata and convey how and where to find answers.


    By the end of the Mahabharata Online course, you will

    1. Befriend Mahābhārata and understand the nature and purpose of this itihāsa.

    2. Mitigate and courageously face life, at home and at work.

    3. Manage the internal and external world by practising Dharma in Karma – Taking responsibility for our words and deeds.

    4. Understand the textual tradition of Mahābhārata and differentiate between misconceived notions, regional tales and stories within the text.

    5. To live happily, by practising Mahābhārata wisdom in daily life.

    swami amrita swaroopanda puri 2020

    Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri

    Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri is the Vice-Chairman of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and President of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University). He is the head disciple of renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader Amma, Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Swami has been living in Amritapuri Ashram since its inception in the late 1970s. He holds a Master’s in Philosophy and is a renowned author.

    Swami Dhyanamritananda Puri

    Swami Dhyanamritananda Puri

    Swami Dhyanamritananda Puri is a disciple of Amma, Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. He has been with Amma for the past three decades. He has addressed students on various aspects of life management for many years. His simple approach is thought-provoking and conveys the great wisdom of the scriptures in joyful and engaging ways. He also takes care of Ashram’s IT department and photography and plays Kaimani for Amma’s Bhajans. Swami has been focusing on Bhagavad Gita for several years now. He has designed an exclusive Bhagavad Gita camp, ‘Gitamritam’, which has been running successfully for over nine years.

    Swami Shubamritananda Puri

    Swami Shubamritananda Puri

    Swami Shubamritananda Puri has been a permanent resident of Mata Amritanandamayi Math since 1989. He did his graduation in Science from Mumbai University. He takes care of the Ashram activities in Europe, Africa, Russia and Israel. He is one of Amma’s translators, a gifted speaker, a singer and a songwriter as well. He also served as the Editor of the Ashram spiritual magazine, Matruvani, in the English language, till 1998. He mentors AYUDH, Europe (the youth wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math), which has blossomed into a very active youth movement in Europe and has won accolades and recognition for its work.

    Sri Aravindan Neelakandan

    Sri Aravindan Neelakandan

    Renowned writer, Co-Author of ‘Breaking India’- bestseller book Aravindan Neelakandan is a researcher and author, with deep focus on Indian Culture & History, Science and Philosophy of Science. His is the co-author of the best-selling work, ‘Breaking India – Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines’. He has also authored other books in Tamil that explore culture, history, science and technology. Currently he is the contributing editor of Swarajya Magazine.

    Prof. K S Radhakrishnan Ph.D

    Prof. K S Radhakrishnan, Ph.D

    K S Radhakrishnan is a noted writer, orator, academician and thinker. He has served as Kerala PSC chairman, Vice Chancellor of Kalady Sree Sankaracharya University and Reader at Ernakulam Maharajas College. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience at postgraduate level. His specialization is in Advaita Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science. He has authored several books on Mahabharata.

    Week 1
    • A Preamble to the Grand Itihāsa – What exactly is an Itihāsa? It’s purpose, an account of the author’s life, and a synopsis of Mahābhārata.
    • Mahābhārata:The Panchama Veda– Mahābhārata is intrinsically classified as an itihasa. Bhagavan Veda Vyasa has said within the itihasa that it is the Panchama Veda or the Fifth Veda. Understanding Mahābhārata as the Panchama Veda, improves our approach to this grand Itihāsa, and reveals the Moksha Shastra that is Mahābhārata
    • Mahābhārata:The Encyclopedia of Life – ‘Whatever is not given here will not be found anywhere’- This module addresses this question, why is this Itihāsa called the encyclopedia of life?
    • Textual Traditions – ‘How many Mahābhārata’s are there?’. Introducing critical edition and regional versions, choosing the right text for study, acknowledging pluralism of texts in Indian culture.
    Week 2
    • An Introduction to Bhagavad Gita – Significantly important part of the Mahabharata Upanayanam Certificate Course The module is an introduction to Bhagavad Gita
    • Pŗatijnā – Vows taken by certain characters of Mahābhārata, specific circumstances under which such vows were taken, what followed and if / how the characters were able to uphold dharma given the vow; Should vows be eternal?
    • Guru – śiṣya relationship – Through stories of Āruni, Uddālaka and similar the Guru – śiṣya relationship from Mahābhārata will be explored, reflection of vedic view of Guru in Mahābhārata, the surrendering attitude of a disciple, the uninterrupted continuity of Guru – śiṣya relationship from Mahābhārata till present day.
    • Digvijaya Yatra: Expeditions to Establish Dharma – The Digvijaya Yatra undertaken by Pandavas, has a subtle purpose to establish dharma in the kingdom. Trailing the routes taken by four younger Pandavas during the Rajasuya Yajna, this module explores the geographical aspects as well as the purposes of this expedition.
    Week 3
    • A Timeless Itihāsa for our Timely Needs (Part I) :The study of Mahābhārata : Though Mahabharata is timeless, this grand itihasa also contains solutions to address the need of the hour. This lecture reveals the timeless nature of Mahabharata, alongside the timely solutions it can offer.
    • Yajñasenī: A Woman from Fire – This module discusses the life and times of Draupadī, and draws a comparison with the contemporary need for women empowerment. Recognizing the qualities of this female protagonist of Mahabharata, an attempt is made to inspire the men and women of today to imbibe them and make genuine progress in their life and hence society.
    • Bhagavad Gita: Misconceptions -The module discusses about the misconceptions about Bhagavad Gita
    • Kingship and Polity Acumen – Discussions on dharma of a king as envisioned by Mahābhārata, the discretion he should practice and the shrewdness expected of him. Through excerpts about kingship and polity, the qualities of a magnificent leader will be focussed upon.
    Week 4
    • The Unbroken Legacy – An exploration of the magnanimity of Mahābhārata by analyzing its influence on our nation at large. Through art, architecture and other forms of expression, this itihāsa remains an uninterrupted legacy for millennia.
    • A Timeless Itihāsa for Our Timely Needs (Part II) : Notion of feminine in Mahābhārata : Though Mahabharata is timeless, this grand itihasa also contains solutions to address the need of the hour. This lecture reveals the timeless nature of Mahabharata, alongside the timely solutions it can offer.
    • Mahābhārata in Adages – Mahabharata, apart from its existence in textual and ritualistic traditions across the Indian subcontinent, thrives exuberantly through expressions in language like ‘Adages’ and ‘Maxims’. In this module, we rediscover Mahabharata through such expressions
    • Bhagavad Gita:The Transformation Text – Starting with the context in the itihāsa, and praise for the philosophical treasure chest which Bhagavad Gita is, the module would go on to discuss the transformation of Arjuna from a soldier to sadhaka.
    Week 5
    • Cycle of Life and Death– Discussion on the continuity of Ātma through cycles of life and death and the role played by karma and or karma phala in governing that journey. The previous and present birth interconnecting stories of Ambā, Draupadī and few others are cited as examples.
    • The Lazy Camel and Other Stories for Wise Living – Mahābhārata has many lessons, advice, and tattvam that can help us with our daily lives. The itihasa conveys a lot of these lessons through gripping stories that have animals or birds as primary characters. some of them will be discussed in this module.
    • A Timeless Itihāsa for our Timely Needs (Part III) : The internal Mahābhārata : Though the Mahabharata is timeless, this grand itihasa also contains solutions to address the need of the hour. This lecture reveals the timeless nature of Mahabharata, alongside the timely solutions it can offer.
    • Relevant takeaways from the Mahābhārata & Its main characters (Part I)-Some key characters from the Itihāsa are analyzed in detail.
    Week 6
    • Regional Oral Traditions– The module introduces the various regional tales which branched out from the original text of Mahābhārata. The module narrates five such stories or legends popular in different places across India. The context of origin of these stories and their motivation will also be studied.
    • The goal of Life – This module highlights how Mahabharata explains every aspect of dharma and every aspect of life. It also gives answers on how to live life, what is victory, what is failure? Who are you? And what is the goal?
    • Dāna as Dharma– How dāna is considered as an essential part of one’s dharma, and how is it different from the notion of present day charity? The qualities and the attitudes of the giver and the needful etc. will be examined as per the view of Mahābhārata.
    • A Timeless Itihāsa for our Timely Needs (Part IV) :Mahābhārata as a guide to invent the future– Though Mahabharata is timeless, this grand itihasa also contains solutions to address the need of the hour. This lecture reveals the timeless nature of Mahabharata, alongside the timely solutions it can offer.
    Week 7
    • A Timeless Itihāsa for our Timely Needs (Part V):Misconception on Mahābhārata-Though Mahabharata is timeless, this grand itihasa also contains solutions to address the need of the hour. This lecture reveals the timeless nature of Mahabharata, alongside the timely solutions it can offer.
    • Dharmic Insights from a Butcher– A peek into Mahābhārata, to understand the vedic exposition of this itihāsa and its reach in all walks of life. The fabulous story of a butcher advising about the supreme knowledge of Ātman to an ascetic and the sublime message that irrespective of the professions one can achieve knowledge through actions of dharma.
    • Nishkāma Karma– Its definition and practice in the context of Mahābhārata will be presented here.
    • The Real Happiness – This module explains what is the true nature of life and explains what is the ultimate happiness and how it can be achieved.
    Week 8
    • Rāmāyaṇa in Mahābhārata– This module displays the remarkable interconnection between the two great itihāsas Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. It also suggests to the student that, when in sorrow or when troubled, one should readily contemplate that there is always someone else who is in more pain or trouble.
    • Relevant takeaways from the Mahābhārata & Its main characters (Part II)-Some key characters from the Itihāsa are analyzed in detail.
    • Relevant takeaways from the Mahābhārata & Its main characters (Part III)-Some key characters from the Itihāsa are analyzed in detail.
    • Lessons for daily living from the Mahābhārata– Mahābhārata is a repository of management lessons. Learning them enables one to manage the system, resources and oneself effectively and efficiently. This module reminds us of the necessary skills in management, and discusses how Mahabharata reveals them to us.
    Apart from these 32 splendid course modules, there would even be additional talks, live Q &A sessions and reading materials which provide invaluable insights into this grand itihāsa Mahābhārata.

    Amrita Ahead World Class Faculty

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Brahmachari Achyutāmṛta Chaitanya, PhD.

    Principal, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Sivanandan D. S.

    Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Rupesh Kalesan

    Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Sooraj Rajendran

    Faculty Associate, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Aiswarya Mohan

    Faculty Associate ,Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Harikrishnan Venugopal

    Faculty Associate, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Aswathi Chandran

    Faculty Associate, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Amritha Jayan

    Faculty Associate, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    Mahabharata Upanayanam
    Sooraj Subrahmanyan

    Faculty Associate, Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies

    The Amrita
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    The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Government of India accredited our University with the topmost ‘A++’ grade. The Schools under the aegis of Amrita University have over 108 programmes in disciplines as diverse as Biotechnology, Engineering, Management, Medicine, Dentistry, Ayurveda, Pharmacy, Nanotechnology, Communication, Arts & Science and Education, providing our students with outstanding training in our several campuses across multiple states. Needless to add, this multi-disciplinary character of our University facilitates a laudable synergy within our midst greatly enabling us all to derive maximum benefit from the expertise of each other. The Amrita AHEAD programs are WES-accredited in the United States and Canada.
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    Mahabharata online certification Course is for Whom?
    1. Anyone who wants to start reading Mahabharata.
    2. Teachers and students of Indian culture and civilization..
    3. Any Sanatana Dharma enthusiast who wants to imbibe the wisdom from Mahabharata.
    What are the benefits of enrolling into the Mahabharata Mythology Course ?
    1. Familiarize Vyasa Mahabharata as a literary text and as a philosophical work.
    2. Learn to tap the wisdom from Mahabharata in to your life.
    If we are unable to attend the live class can we get access to the sessions later ?

    a) All course materials, including video, reading materials and recording of live sessions will be available until successful completion of course or stipulated time limits, whichever comes first.

    Will the course materials be provided ?

    a) Yes

    Will the sessions be uploaded on any platform after the session ?

    a) Recordings will be provided.

    Does admission to the course mean perpetual access to the course content ?

    a) No. Course contents will be available in the enrolled term

    Do I certify upon successful completion of the course ?

    a) Yes. A formal certificate from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham will be awarded upon successful completion.


    How do I apply?

    It is a simple and easy process. You need to fill out our application form to apply.

    How do I contact you?

    You can contact us via Email, Call or WhatsApp. You can also chat with us through the chat window present on our website.

    What is the medium of instruction ?


    Is there an application fee ?

    No, there is no admission fee when you apply. It is free.

    I am an International Student, can I also apply?

    Yes, International Students are welcome. Students with Foreign Education can also apply. Certificate is offered upon successful completion of the course.

    Do you offer the same course later this year or in the next academic year ?

    Yes, the course will be offered again

    What is the Refund Policy of Amrita AHEAD Online Degree Program?

    We follow UGC Regulations for a Refund :

    • 15 days or more prior to admissions closing date – 100% refund*
    • Within 15 days prior to the admission closing date – 90% refund
    • Within 15 days after the admission closing date – 80% refund
    • 15 days after the admission closing date – 50% Refund
    • 30 days after the admission closing date – No Refund

    * A processing fee of 2000 will be deducted


    Data is based on on-campus information
    Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher

    I think that Mahabharata provides very deep knowledge which is applicable to daily life. Going inside Mahabharata is in reality going inside within yourself. The Course has been quite short for me but it is very deep, although sometimes in daily routine you cannot spend much time with the modules. For many years I had this in mind, to know more about Mahabharata, as I knew very little about it. I thank you all for making this course possible, and of course to Mata Amritanandamayi Devi because without her Grace I am sure it would have never been possible.

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    +91 70251 51521

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