Note: Basic operations and applications of all data structures shall be covered, Different implementations with efficiency analysis shall be discussed. Abstract Data Types, Linear Data Structures: Arrays (single and multi-dimensional), Stack ADT, Multi Stack ADT, Queue ADT, Circular Queue, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List.
Nonlinear Data Structures: Trees – Array and List Representations: Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree and Threaded Binary Tree. Balanced Trees: Weight Balanced Trees, Applications of WBTs, Height Balanced Trees -AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees. Binary Heaps: applications
Graphs: Matrix and List Representation of Graphs, Breadth First Search, Applications of BFS, Depth First Search, Applications of DFS, Spanning Trees
Advanced Data Structures: Dictionaries, Hashing techniques, Disjoint Sets, List, Tree and Array based implementation–Union/Find.