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The Association of Students of Computer Science for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the technical association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. It was established in the year 1997. It started with 195 members including both student and faculty members in 1997. It is a union of the Undergraduate students (B.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering), Post Graduate students (MCA, M.Tech -Computer Vision and Image processing and M.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering) and faculty members. The activities are executed by students and providesopportunity to all students of CSE to conduct various technical and social events, helping them share and gain knowledge from their peers.

The technical events comprise of several workshops such as Android Programming, Web Development and Designing workshops for preparation towards competitive coding, debugging and the ever popular gaming event. Some of the social events include Induction and Farewell.

Cerebral Wars and Bootstrap are the major celebrated Technical Symposiumsconducted annually.Both of them are a series of contests which test the technical prowess of the students beyond the world of academics. The gaming event is also conducted for all the video game geeks of the campus. Winners are recognized by presenting awards and certificates at the Freshers or Farewell.

Freshers or as we like to call it Login, is conducted by the Junior Year students for the Sophomores as an official induction into the association. It is an informative-cum fun event which is one of the most awaited events every year. The farewell, better known as Reboot is the time of the year when the Junior students bid farewell to the Seniors. The event involves an official Prize distribution ceremony and several informal events. The various Student Awards instituted by the association on this solemn occasion are :

The Alumni continue to contribute to this forum by guiding their juniors on academics, placement and career. This association provides the space to develop their leadership skills, expose and share their technical skills. Overall, the forum provides a tight bond amongst themselves and with the department.



  • Machine Learning Workshop

This 2-day workshop touched upon the basics of ML focussing on questions like ‘What is machine learning? why study machine learning? why is machine learning very prevalent in today’s world? What are the applications of ML? And what are the categories in ML? on the first day. The second day of the workshop focused more on understanding the code implementation and mathematical intuition behind algorithms such as Linear Regression, Logistic Regression and K-nearest Neighbour.

Student Coordinators:

Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038), Sai Priyadarshini M (CB.EN.U4CSE17250), Samyukth S S (CB.EN.U4CSE18451), Shri Hari Nithin K M (CB.EN.U4CSE18456)

Date of the Event: 11/03/2021, 12/03/2021

  • “CSE – A survival Guide” – Workshop

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Venkataraman.D(ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Bagyammal T (ASCII, Dept. of CSE)

Student Coordinators:

Saiharsha B (CB.EN.U4CSE17451) ,Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038), Sumithra S (CB.EN.U4CSE19247), Roopa Vidhya G (CB.EN.U4CSE18143), Sridhar K (CB.EN.U4CSE19063),Tejaswi V (CB.EN.U4CSE19259)

Date of the Event: 08/04/2021, 09/04/2021

Time of the Event: 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm

Online Mode: Microsoft Teams

The workshop was aimed at giving first years a glimpse of skillsets that are not part of the curriculum but are essential for developers. The two-day workshop included talks from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students about their experiences and tips, and activities that encouraged good habits like checking the Intranet for official updates and learning touch typing.

  • “Discovering Git” – workshop

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Venkataraman.D(ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Bagyammal T (ASCII, Dept. of CSE)

Student Coordinators:

Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038), Sumithra S (CB.EN.U4CSE19247), Roopa Vidhya G (CB.EN.U4CSE18143), Sridhar K (CB.EN.U4CSE19063), Arun Joshua Thomas (CB.EN.U4CCE19010), Tejaswi V (CB.EN.U4CSE19259), Manav Patnaik (CB.EN.U4CSE19033), Kalavalapalli Venkata Sridhar Sai (CB.EN.U4CSE19063), Sudhay S (CB.EN.U4CSE19652), Mahimanjali Lolla (CB.EN.U4CSE19128)

Date of the Event: 13/05/2021, 14/05/2021,15/05/2021

Time of the Event: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Online Mode: Microsoft Teams

The three-day event targeted beginners in Git and taught them the basic syntax and usage of the Git and GitHub platforms, while also teaching them the theory behind Git. Participants were given a sample repository to practise on and followed by a live demonstration. On the third day, participants collaborated on a calculator application on GitHub to simulate the real-life Open-Source experience.

  • What’s the hack!

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Venkataraman.D(ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Bagyammal T (ASCII, Dept. of CSE)

Student Coordinators:

Mahimanjali Lolla (CB.EN.U4CSE19128), Ayush Barik (CB.EN.U4CSE19106), Sumithra S (CB.EN.U4CSE19247), Arun Joshua (CB.EN.U4CCE19010), Harinya Devi (CB.EN.U4CSE19142), Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038),

Date of the Event: 16/07/21, 17/07/21, 18/07/21

Time of the Event: 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Online Mode: Microsoft Teams

ASCII had organized a workshop, named ‘What’s The Hack!’, on the 16th, 17th and 18th of July, 2021.The workshop went on for 3 days, from 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm on Microsoft Teams, in order to encourage participation and educate the students about the importance of hackathons. Day 1 of the workshop was a theoretical experience of what a hackathon is and its proceedings, Day 2 consisted of guest speakers who have won hackathons, and Day 3 was a mini hackathon experience where students pitched their ideas to the judges based on the 3 themes given on Day 2-Web/App Development, IoT/ML and Build for Covid. A cash prize of Rs 1000/- was awarded to the best team in each theme, adding up to a total budget of Rs 3000/-.


  • Opportunities for education and career through Cisco Networking Academy

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Venkataraman.D(ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Bagyammal T (ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Jeena K (ASCII, Dept. of CSE),

Student Coordinators:

T Selva Sanjana (CB.EN.U4CSE19250), S R Harinya Devi (CB.EN.U4CSE19142), Veeresh Kondapaneni (CB.EN.U4CSE19158), Manav Patnaik (CB.EN.U4CSE19033), Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038), Sumithra S (CB.EN.U4CSE19247)

Date of the Event: 22nd July 2021

Time of the Event: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Online Mode: Cisco Webex


Mr. Sreevalsan Moothedath (Head -ICT, Amrita University), Ms. Kohila Lakshmikanthan (Senior Instructor, Cisco Networking Academy)

Event: Students were informed about the distinctive features they can use in Cisco Networking Academy, to build their skills and students were informed about placement opportunities in Cisco. The event ended with a Q&A Session.

A few glimpses of the event:

  • “Eunoia – Beautiful Thinking” – Two-day Mental Health workshop

Faculty Coordinators:

Dr. Venkataraman.D(ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Bagyammal T (ASCII, Dept. of CSE), Ms. Jeena K (ASCII, Dept. of CSE),

Student Coordinators:

Nirmal K (CB.EN.U4CSE19038), Sumithra S (CB.EN.U4CSE19247), Mahimanjali Lolla (CB.EN.U4CSE19128), Ayush Barik (CB.EN.U4CSE19106), Irine Theresa Joy (CB.SC.I5CHE20019),

Kavya G (CB.SC.I5CHE20020), Smirthi Shammi Raj (CB.SC.I5CHE20038), Devika Biju (CB.SC.I5CHE20014)

Date of the Event: 3/08/2021, 4/08/2021

Time of the Event: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Online Mode: Microsoft Teams

Event Description: ASCII and NSS presented a two-day event, named ‘Eunoia’, aimed at educating the students of Amrita about mental health and the need for self-care during this pandemic. On Day 1, the University counsellor Dr C S Sowndaram, shared her thoughts and experiences on the subject matter and on Day 2 organizers from an external agency, ‘Knit – a- Tale’ addressed the students and helped them gain a positive outlook.

 A few glimpses of the event:

Major Programmes Organized by the Association in the recent past:

  • The department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted an online workshop for the students of Computer Science and Engineering of the batch 2020-2024 on February 16,2021. ASCII Students Coordinators and Faculty Coordinators addressed the students, briefly about the ASCII club and the ASCII newsletter which helps students to explore and understand various domains of Computer Science.
    Reboot is an event hosted by 3rd year students of CSE, under the banner of ASCII, Department of Computer Science. This event is newly hosted by students to achieve interaction among seniors and juniors to promote unity of students in the department. Around 600 students participated in Reboot.Events During Reebot

    Ice-breaking sessions 

    Everyone meets new people in the place. Ice breakers can be an effective way of starting a training session or a team-building event. As interactive and often fun sessions run before the main proceedings, they help people get to know each other and buy into the purpose of the event.

    Escape Room 

    A team of players is assembled inside a themed room. Their mission is to escape the room by cooperatively discovering clues, solve puzzles and accomplish tasks in a room. The clues are made and placed in such a way that the players are expected to explore their surroundings & think laterally to solve them within a particular time limit.


    A theme will be given to every teams. The theme will be a problem statement where the solution should be provided as an idea for a start-up. The team should also prepare for an ad zap where they should market their product. Their product should surprise the judges to get more points.


    A team of players is expected to role play as certain real-life characters who are aboard a sinking ship and the task is to debate upon themselves to decide who gets to put on the life jacket to survive. This event brings out the public speaking and debating talents of the players.

    Treasure Hunt 

    Treasure hunt goes all the way back to the times from which its name comes from. As Computer science engineers, we would love to have a completely new version of treasure hunt through technological advancements. We’ll provide the players with a fully functional Augmented Reality based treasure hunt, where the clues will be engraved as 3D images which will be revealed on scanning over the targets. The players are expected to solve the clues and scan the targets to reveal the upcoming clues and finally find the treasure.

    Scavenger Hunt 

    The teams are given a list of items to be collected in a particular period of time. Their goal is to collect as many items as possible within the given timeframe. This event will profoundly bring out the interaction between the members of the team.

    After lunch everyone assembled at pandhal. Initially we had lighting of lamp by P N Kumar sir, Jeyakumar sir, Venkatraman sir, Bagyammal ma’am and Nithesh K. Later then P N Kumar sir unveiled the banner and gave some good words to the students. Following him Venkatraman sir spoke to the students. Then we started with open stage event.

    Open stage for teams 

    Here for each team time limit will be given. They can do any performance that can be done by them. The main focus will be on getting more no. of students on stage to do something.

    We had Motta maadi music, three Dance performance done by 3rd years and Academy awards in between open stage for teams. And finally, at the end of the event, team 2 scored the most no. of points and they were being awarded with the trophy. Then the day came to an end with vote of thanks by Nithesh K.

  • The department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted an event named Rainbow Six Siege on November 14, 2019.
    With the tagline “Remember! you are the hunters, dey are da prey”. ASCII’s Rainbow Six Siege Event was a grand success with about 20 teams hunting down the final trophy. Every year the ASCII club conducts one gaming event giving the students room to showcase their talents. This year the game Rainbow Six Siege was chosen to be hosted in the gaming event as most of the students in the college showed their interest towards this game. A total of 19 teams registered for the event with each team comprising of 5 members. A grand prize of Rs. 2250 was announced for the winner of the tournament. Students across all the departments of engineering took part in the event and there was an attendance over 200 in the venue (IT LAB 1 – AB 2) with many coming in the witness the extravaganza. The event was conducted for three straight days having to phases the playoffs and the finals. In the playoffs if a team loses twice then they are out of the event. There were 5 hosts servers for the event an therefore we had 5 matches happening at the same time. About 36 matches were conducted in the playoffs. The finals were conducted against the top two teams of the playoffs The Cupercult and The Nerdzis with later turning out as the winner of the tournament. On the whole the gaming event was a great success with all the help provided by the Faculties and the Executive Members of the ASCII club.

  • The department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted a CTF Workshop on September 23-24, 2019. A total hands-on experience in the world of cyber security with introduction to highly useful penetration and testing tools.

  • ASCII Induction 2019 was conducted for II-year CSE students on August 5, 2019.
    The grand introduction to the ASCII club with enriching speeches on various tech domains, tips to participate in hackathons and tons of encouragement with a dash of lovely music.

  • The department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted an Object-Oriented Programming workshop titled “The Java Frappe” on July 2, 2019 for Students which brewed with the basics of Java.

  • The department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted a Tech Quiz on July 25, 2019 – A knowledge-booster to test your grounds in the tech world ranging over a variety of topics.

  • 2 day ANDROID workshop-HACKAROID was conducted by ASCII in association with the student chapters of ACM and CSI for the demonstration of creating an Android app with the help of Android Studio. The event took place on the 30th and the 31st of August, 2017. Around 60 students took part in the workshop under the guidance of Datta. The session started off with an introduction about the requirement of Android in the present times and the various versions of Android including the latest version OREO. The students were also provided with a certain degree of familiarity with Android Studio such that they can begin designing their own apps
    Computer Graphic event-ANIMATE, conducted by Eric Joseph, started off with an introduction to the coordinate system and the x and y coordinates for positioning any graphics functions. The participants showed enthusiasm and picked up the concepts fast. The Index of Turbo C++ IDE was then discussed, and the various graphic header files and functions were taught. The gaming competition organized and conducted by ASCII was a two day event held on the 20th and 21st of December 2017.
  • Workshop on Computer Vision for Medical Imaging sponsored by (IETE & ASCII) was conducted on December 14th 2015. Sessions were delivered on the topic “Opportunities in dentistry for challenging applications” by Dr.Prabath Singh (Professor and Head of the Department, Conservative dentistry & Endodontics, Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi).
  • One day workshop on “5 G security Architecture” by Prof. Raimo A. Kantola, Professor, Networking Technology Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Finland on February 17th  2016.
  • A talk on “Computer Vision, Image/ Video Processing” by Dr. Karthieyan Vaiapury ,Scientist R & D, Tata Consultancy Services on March 4th 2016.
  • One day contest titled “Hackher” was executed on March 16th 2016(9-4pm)
  • The sixth edition of  “National Workshop on Computer Vision, Image Processing Techniques and Data Analytics” was conducted on18.03.2016 to 19.03.2016 .Chief Guest :Shri. B Gopala Krishna,Deputy Director,Data Processing, Products, Archival and Web Applications Area (DPPA & WAA)  National Remote Sensing Centre ,Hyderabad   and   Mr.Vasan Sowmirajan,CEO,1000lookz.
  • Hands-On training in “Design of IoT Nodes and interfacing to Cloud” on 28.03.2016 to 29.03.2016. Resource Persons were Mr.V.Anantha Narayanan, Mr.R.Shanmugasundaram, Mr KP Peeyush from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.
  • Workshop on “BIGDATA” was  conducted on 12.04.2016 by Mr.Senthilkumaran from 1000Lookz, Chennai.
  • One day talk on “Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Ontologies and Semantic Web” by  Prof. Vijayan Sukumaran of Department of Decision and Information Sciences, School of Business Administration, Oakland University on July 18th 2016.
  • Research talk on “Dataset approach towards building a Network Intrusion Detection System” by Dr. Vasudevan on August 11th 2016.
  • One day workshop on “Big Data( Scala and Apache Spark)” by Mr.Vijay Krishna Menon, CEN Department, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ,Coimbatore  on August 22nd 2016.
  • Motivational talk on “How to prepare for placements” conducted on September 10th 2016 by our alumni Ms. S.Monica of 2012-16.
  • Code Hour, an online coding event was jointly conducted by ACM student chapter and ASCII on 27/ 10/ 2015 & 28/ 10/ 2015.
  • Bootstrap’15 which was a series of technical events was conducted in the months of September and October 2015.
  • Two day workshop on web designing and Adobe Photoshop was conducted on 9/ 9/ 2015 & 10/ 9/ 2015 by ACM student chapter and ASCII.
  • A weekly Android Programming Workshop conducted across two months from December 2014 to January 2015.
  • Problem Solving & Algorithm Development Contest, Debugging Contest and Coding Contest for First years in the month of September 2014.
  • Celebration of Software Freedom Day in September, 2014.
  • Cerebral Wars’ 14 was conducted in the month of February 2014.
  • Workshop on “Photoshop” conducted on 12/08/13 and 13/08/13.
  • One day Workshop on “Hadoop” conducted on August 7, 2013.
  • Two days Workshop on “Recent Technologies with Programming” conducted on 19th and 20th of July 2013.
  • Cerebral wars 2013: A technical symposium conducted on 03/05/2013
  • One day hands on workshop in Embedded software development on beagle board and leopard board held on November 18, 2012
  • Two day Workshop on Application Development for Android Platform using Aakash-II 17th and 18th November, 2012.
  • Cerebral wars 2011 A technical symposium conducted on November 4, 2011.
  • 5 days workshop on multimedia for the CSE students – October 2010
  • Workshop on Linux, Java and Networking for I year B. Tech. CSE students from 5th Apr. To 9th April 2010 (Sponsored by IETE-CBE)
  • Cerebral wars 2009 A technical symposium conducted on 12/ 10/ 09
  • One day Workshop on Technology for social welfare is conducted on 09/ 10/ 2009
  • FDP on PC hardware workshop on 9th and 10th July 2009
  • One day National level tech festival– Sankhya ’08 on 18th October 2008. Jointly organized by ASCII and Anantam Club (Dept. of Mathematics). Sponsored by BSNL, Ceronet, IETE and Dhanalakshmi Bank.

ASCII Office Bearers List

Faculty Coordinators
Dr. Venkataraman D.
Dr. Venkataraman D.
Associate Professor

Dr. Bagyammal T.
Dr. Bagyammal T.
Assistant Professor (Sl. Gd.)

Admissions Apply Now