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Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known as Amma, has dedicated her life to spreading a message of peace, tolerance, and compassion. Accessible to one and all, she has embraced more than 40 million people worldwide, and inspired a global volunteer-based humanitarian movement to help alleviate the burden of the poor and suffering. In her role as the Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amma has adopted a unique blend of multidisciplinary and compassion driven pathways that focus on research to find solutions for the world’s most pressing issues.


Contributed since 1981 in
worldwide charitable


Projects in
48 countries


Worldwide volunteers
from all ages and


Contributed since 1981 in
worldwide charitable

Civil 20

This year under India’s G20 Presidency, Amma is Chair of the
Civil Society Engagement Group (C20). The purpose is to bring the concerns of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to the Heads of State of the world’s leading economies at the G20 Summit in New Delhi September 9th-10th. Faculty and students with Amrita are collaborating with hundreds of CSOs from around the world to represent the concerns of the common people.

Solutions for
a Better World

Action-oriented research with global impact is the founding principle of the plethora of initiatives laid out by our Chancellor. Amma has fostered an ecosystem which interlinks world class scientists, researchers, and cutting-edge technology. Based on the foundation of a multi-disciplinary approach, this translates to direct societal benefit.

Lighting up Lives
through Holistic Initiatives

With a unique blend of multidisciplinary solutions based upon active community participation, Amma is paving the way towards making sustainability a reality for all. Amrita SREE (Self-Reliance, Employment & Empowerment) Self-Help Groups is a concrete example that has reached 2 lakh women across India. With more than 13,000 SHGs, the members are imbued with an entrepreneurial spirit that has lifted them out of impoverished, vulnerable lives.


  • Prestigious ‘World Leader for Peace and Security Award,’ by the Boston Global Forum and the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation.


  • Appointed as Chair of the Civil 20 Engagement Group (C2), the civil branch of the G20 Summit, by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.


  • Honorary Doctor of Literature, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar


  • Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, University of Mysore


  • Swachh Bharat Award, Govt of India for the largest contribution to Clean India Campaign


  • Soldiers of Peace International Association’s Commemorative Gold Medal, Toulon


  • Doctorate of Humane Letters, State University of New York, Buffalo


  • Prix Cinéma Vérité, Paris


  • James Parks Morton Interfaith Award, New York


  • Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence, Geneva


Amma has been invited to speak at many historical and landmark events over the years, including gatherings of the United Nations, the Vatican’s Declaration against Modern Slavery, and the Global Peace Initiative.

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